The United States is known to have cutting edge technologies in healthcare. Southern California is home to some of the finest medical institutions. Many of my clients that have left California for lower cost factors are surprised that they may have to drive further and wait longer to see a specialist or even have a well check-up. California has been the state that offers more choices for healthcare than any other state. It has been the magnet for company headquarters. It has also come at a cost. It is a great recruiting tool for employers. It is also a financial burden to those who are self-insured.

ObamaCare raised the flag for free healthcare. I believe that was one of the main reasons for former President Obama being elected. ObamaCare was an intense change for the industry. It truly helped people get health insurance. However, many of the promises were never fulfilled. We still have issues. Recently “Covered California”(a subsidy model) implemented a new strategy of offering large subsidies to people who didn’t need it. I know of one example of a client making $250,000 a year getting a 90% subsidy on his family’s health insurance. He was warned that the subsidy would cease in 2023. I point this out to warn people that there are lots of games being played to create a total government paid healthcare system.
Our struggles are increasing as we develop better life saving solutions. Cost will continue to increase. We place rules on how many patients per nurse. When a hospital is considered full, it is probably that there are not enough nurses. California also places rules on the hospitals for earthquake standards. Hospital structures need to sustain an 8.0 earthquake and not be a hazard to patients and employees. This is a good thing. Right? It does come at a cost.
Covid has been an eye opener to our medical care system. Headlines quote how many lives were lost due to COVID.
That number was not completely honest. Hospitals were paid $17,000 per patient per hospitalization and death. Early COVID days during the press conferences that President Trump held, Birk was quoted as saying that COVID deaths were not always a COVID related death. Deceased only needed to have a “some” COVID in them to be categorized as a COVID death. I point this out as an indicator to the need of awareness.
Many will see this as a negative commentary on the US and the healthcare system. My goal is to promote honesty with our healthcare system. I still believe that we have the finest doctors, nurses and facilities in our world.